The STARFACE Media Kit

starface logo

Logo and graphic mark.

The logo of STARFACE GmbH consists of a white star inside a rectangle with rounded corners (a graphic mark) together with the word “STARFACE” and the slogan “Comfortphoning” (wordmarks). The word “STARFACE” is a reference to the origins of STARFACE, namely the Asterisk system. “Give the star a face” was the seminal idea that inspired the STARFACE logo. The star itself is roughly patterned after the carambola, also known as star fruit. The color also pays homage to the Asterisk system.

STARFACE GmbH has sole and exclusive rights to use the logo, including the logo without the “Comfortphoning” slogan or the graphic mark by itself.


Use of the logo.

In the following, we describe the rules on use of the STARFACE logo and wordmark. Our goal is to achieve high recognition value, so it’s very important for them to be observed. We’re happy to let you use our logo, for example on your website or in your company documents, but in return expect you to use them in accordance with our rules. STARFACE has registered the STARFACE logo and wordmark worldwide.

starafce media kit corporate design

STARFACE colors.

  • STARFACE Orange is the primary corporate color
  • STARFACE Blue is used exclusively for highlighting


For the typographic presentation on the web, the corporate font Proxima Nova is used in the typefaces Regular and Medium.

Logo and graphic mark

Use of the logo



STARFACE App UCC Client Comfortphoning

Graphic materials for the STARFACE desktop and mobile apps.

starface appliance für kleine unternehmen und betriebe

Graphics for the STARFACE Appliances.


Images for the STARFACE NEON videoconferencing tool.

starafce ms teams integration

Graphics on STARFACE MS Teams integration.



Videoconferencing tool

MS Teams Integration

Management board

Florian Buzin

Florian Buzin

Florian Buzin studied informatics at Karlsruhe University. Even before graduating, he was one of the principal developers involved in creating the successful webEdition Web content management system of ASTARTE NEW MEDIA AG. In 2003 he founded Easywe GmbH, which developed enterprise applications for firms including DaimlerChrysler and the Cardif insurance company.

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Jürgen Signer

Jürgen Signer

Jürgen Signer’s was the boss of Aastra Germany before switching to head Mitel Germany. Earlier, he spent many years climbing the management ladder at Siemens Enterprise Communications (now Unify), culminating as that company’s Senior Vice President with responsibility for all sales in Germany.

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Thomas Weiss

Thomas Weiß

A longtime managing director of TeamFON GmbH, he recently joined the STARFACE family as our new CTO. Drawing on over 20 years of experience in the fields of hosting and cloud technology, he has already set new technical standards at STARFACE with TeamSIP, a product that is providing fresh impetus.

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Orangenes Quadrat Icon
starface connect sip-trunk

STARFACE visuals for downloading.

As additional images – supplementing product pictures and screenshots – these visuals communicate the STARFACE brand to the outside world. STARFACE GmbH owns the copyrights to the images that have been made available here for you to download. We make these images available free of charge for use in connection with reports and press articles on STARFACE.

Get in touch!

If you have any questions on use of our images and photographs or need any other information, please drop us a line and we’ll be happy to help you.